Dr. Donald J. Patterson
Curriculum Vitae / C.V. / Resumé of Donald J. Patterson (1/7/2025)
Hello World! I’m an entrepreneur and computer scientist who strives to develop great people and big ideas. Since the summer of 2023, I’ve done that as the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Blockpliance. Blockpliance is a risk compliance and anti-money laundering fintech start-up that works with financial institutions to promote their responsible engagement with the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Previously, I taught as a Professor in the Math and Computer Science Department at Westmont College in Santa Barbara. From 2005-2015, I was a tenured professor at the University of California, Irvine and continued to teach there as a visiting faculty member until 2024. I continue to work as a project scientist there. This blog (djp3.net) is a place where I try and aggregate my scholarly contributions. A longer biography is at the bottom of this page. I have presences all over the web, some of which follow. If you are looking for one that isn’t here, ask via the comments. Thanks! I look forward to meeting you.

- Email:
- Preferred Professional: dpatterson@westmont.edu
- Preferred Personal: d_j_p_3@djp3.net
- Bibliography Aggregators:
- Google scholar: donald.j.patterson.iii@gmail.com
- DBLP: Donald J. Patterson
- LinkedIn: Donald Patterson
- Facebook: donald.j.patterson.iii
- Twitter: @djp3
- Mastodon: Mastodon @ Medium.com
- YouTube: djp3
- Everything Channel
- YouTube Videos for Online Classes
- Miscellaneous
- Online courses:
- Google services:
- donald.j.patterson.iii@gmail.com
- dpatterson@westmont.edu
- donald.j.patterson@gmail.com
- d_j_p_3@djp3.net
- Github: djp3
- Medium: @donpatterson
- Blogs (alas….slowing decaying):
- LUCI: http://luci.ics.uci.edu/ (This site has evolved following my departure)
- Codex Perductum: http://djp3.westmont.edu/content/codexperductum/index.html (Archived)
- Codex Caelestis: http://djp3.westmont.edu/content/codexcaelestis/index.html (Archived)
Donald J. Patterson is a Co-Founder and the Chief Technology Officer of Blockpliance. Blockpliance is a risk compliance and anti-money laundering fintech start-up that works with financial institutions to promote their responsible engagement with the cryptocurrency ecosystem. He is also a Professor of Computer Science in the Math and Computer Science Department at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. Professor Patterson’s research lies at the interface of ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. In this space he researches applications, algorithms and systems that use intelligent context to support situated sustainable computing. He has received multiple impact awards for his research as well as for his support of undergraduate teaching and research.
He has led several research projects including work on activity and event recognition from Wi-Fi networks, GPS and RFID sensor streams and social status streams. Other research includes work on the NSF funded Nomatic*IM project and Nomatic*Aid, a context aware instant messenger system, and a context aware photo-capture system respectively. Both of these systems work to bring the user control over the digital presentation of their context while solving a generalized form of the position to place problem. Patterson’s current research agenda focuses on developing robust sensor interpretation systems that can survive infrastructure intermittency in an effort to manage sustainability challenges in the future, aka Collapse Informatics. His published work has received best paper awards from the Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) conference and the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing.
Professor Patterson graduated in 2005 from the University of Washington with a Ph.D. in computer science where he was funded from competitive scholarships including the University of Washington Educator’s Fellowship, and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. Prior to graduate school, Professor Patterson served in the U.S. Navy as a Surface Warfare Officer stationed in Italy and Japan. He is also a co-founder of 7+ start-up companies based on his research. After graduating, Prof. Patterson worked at the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Irvine where he received tenure and served as director of the Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction.

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