Employment, History
Blockpliance Tech -> LedgerLink
by Donald Patterson • • 0 Comments

in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice Bill Tomlinson and I published a paper in the ACM journal Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT) “a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish high-quality, interdisciplinary research on the research and development, real-world deployment, and evaluation of distributed ledger technologies, such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contract.”…
Blockpliance, is a pioneering start-up that I co-founded with Guillermo Fernandes . Guillermo comes from a private banking background and began working on the company in 2021. In the summer of 2022, I joined him as an engineer and advisor and proceeded to take the product to the next level with a team of ambitious…
“Proof-by-Location” published in iGETblockchain Bill Tomlinson and I published a paper in 2022 IEEE 1st Global Emerging Technology Blockchain Forum: Blockchain & Beyond (iGETblockchain) This was a first of its kind forum and was presented in a very well-organized virtual conference format. We joined a number of other scholars to discuss globally focussed blockchain work, such…
A long stretch of research and writing with a great group of colleagues, Bill Tomlinson, Jens Boberg, Jocelyn Cranefield, David Johnstone, Markus Luczak-Roesch, Shreya Kapoor and myself has finally resulted in the publication of a new article article titled “Analyzing the Sustainability of 28 ‘Blockchain for Good’ Projects via Affordances and Constraints.” It has been…